I wanted to share some tips on strengthening your customer relationships. This newsletter includes information about customer invoices, ProDemand ProView, and how 1stMILE can boost your profits.
I'm looking forward to answering any questions you may have, so please don't hesitate to reach out. Interested in seeing how these tools work in action? Give me a call to schedule a demo at your shop.
Collect more emails for marketing by sending an invoice to your customer via email
Here’s a quick tip for Manager SE users to send an invoice to a customer in PDF format. It’s an easy four-step process:
- Go to the History screen
- Open an Invoice from History
- Select File (at the top left)
- Select Email

The software will examine that customer, and if there is an email address on file, the Invoice from History will be packaged up into a PDF file and sent to the customer via your email client.
ProDemand® – ProView feature
ProView is a unique troubleshooting tool to help service professionals relate diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and symptoms to components based on real-world content. ProView often reveals surprising possible causes based on code combinations, helping guide techs quickly to an accurate diagnosis.
Innovation – No other repair resource can provide an interactive relationship back and forth between the code and the components that cause or contribute to the setting of the code.
Ease of Use – ProView is graphic-based, delivering an alternate view of possible repair solutions via three user-friendly charts.
Increased Efficiency – Technicians can quickly see the most commonly repaired components and plan a diagnosis strategy to resolve the problem.

Increase your profits with 1stMILE; get in touch with me today!
Enhance your Manager SE shop management system with 1stMILE's integrated automotive credit card processing software. Expand your payment options to include major credit cards, leading retail finance cards, and a vast network of fleet card users—all at no extra cost. Additionally, offer customers a convenient, digital financing solution to overcome credit card declines, providing access to affordable financing with flexible terms.
- Super Charge Retail Finance Card Utilization
- Access 10 Million Fleet Card Users
- Secondary Retail Financing
- Sub-Prime Interest Free Financing
- Interchange Only...No Markups, No Fees, No Long-Term Contracts
- Drive Interchange Rates As Low As Possible
Call me today for more information, or to set up a demonstration of the services that will best improve your bottom line!